The original. Accept no substitutes. Made in the USA
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Leather camera strap, neck and wrist strap combination. Handmade in the U.S.A. gordy's camera straps

Zoe combination strap

Leather color*:
Wrapping cord color*:
Neck pad:
Strap bumpers:
Bumper leather color*:
Attach strings, pair, short:
Attach strings, pair, long:
Double quick disconnect kit:
Additional Accessories

Zoe combination strap. Neck strap and wrist strap. Black leather.

My wife, Zoe, and I went on a beach walk at Ebey's Landing here on Whidbey Island. I had a neck strap on my camera and she had a wrist strap on hers. Several times during the day we both wished we had the other strap. On the way home, Zoe said that I should design a strap that was both a neck strap and a wrist strap. When we got home I went down to the basement (gordy's camera straps world headquarters) and created the original Zoe strap. Then I made one for me. All Zoe combination straps are $39 without accessories.


The length of a strap with quick disconnects is measured from the end of one spring clip to the end of the other.The length of a strap with attach strings is measured from the end of one attach string to the end of the other.The length of the strap is measured from one end to the other.40" (101cm)  is our most popular length for a neck strap but it can vary from person to person depending on the length of their torso or how it's carried. I made my own 35 inches long from end to end. For a more custom length, I’d recommend simulating the strap with a string then measuring that. Please remember to include inches or centimeters. 

The wrist strap comes in one size. It's about the size of the large wrist strap. 


Black leather camera strap

Burgundy leather camera strap

Dark brown leather camera strap

Light brown leather camera strap

Leather color: Made of Latigo belt leather, my hand made camera straps are tough, flexible, and pliable. They have a natural luster that only improves with age and softens with use. Keep in mind that there are always variations in leather. The color and texture can vary from hide to hide. Please allow for this.

Color wheel

Wrapping cord color: You can choose between 16 different wrap colors. 

For more information check out the Colors page.

Additional Accessories

 Neck pad

Dark brown neck pad. Light brown neck strap.

My neck straps will support pretty heavy loads but sometimes our necks won't. The straps work fine for lighter cameras, but for those heavier cameras, I always use a neck pad. These pads are 1" (25mm) wide and 8 3/4" (222mm) long for good support and we beveled the edges for better comfort. They are made from the same leather as the straps and are available in the same colors. If you want a neck pad it must be ordered with the strap. They unfortunately can't be added after the strap has been assembled. Neck pads are an additional US $15.

 Wrist pad 

Sorry folks. I don't offer a pad for the wrist strap on the Zoe strap.

 Strap Bumpers

Strap bumpers are a great way to protect your camera body from the metal on the strap.

O-ring strap bumpers are made of rubber and are thicker than the other bumpers. It's also recommended to use them if you are attaching your strap to a rod. This will keep the split ring securely in place. They're also easily added after the strap has been assembled. $1 each. 

Octagonal strap bumpers are a great leather option and can be added to your camera at any time. Although we make them thinner, the same leather is used as the straps and they're available in the same colors. $4 each.

Integral Strap Bumpers are assembled in the loop of the strap. They can then be placed between the lug-mount and the split ring for protection. We thin the same leather that's used for the straps so the same colors are available. Because the strap is assembled together with the Integral strap bumper they can not be added after the strap has been assembled.  $4 each. 

 Quick Disconnect kits 


Lumix camera disconnect kit

The Quick disconnect kit will allow you to switch between straps easily. It includes two spring clips, two o-ring strap bumpers, and two split rings. The kit also adds 2 1/2" to the length of the neck strap.

 The titanium spring clip is 6 axis machine cut from titanium 6AL-4V.

$33 for the kit shown. 

 Attach strings 

Use attach strings on recessed post mounts.Use attach strings on post connectors.

If you need to attach your camera to a slotted lug-mount or a post you will need attach strings.

The attach strings are made from two loops tied together with a bowline knot. It's much stronger that it might appear. Check out the details of my strength test. They are $2 for a pair and they come in two lengths, short and long. You can also choose any color you'd like. For a better visual on attaching them to your strap check my instructional page. 

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